Female, Provider Headshot, Newport Medical

Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner

Primary Care
Areas of Focus:
  • Family Medicine
  • Women’s Health – from childhood through menopause, including healthy living with diet, exercise, stress management, contraception, and menopausal symptom management


Harbor-UCLA, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner

San Jose State, Educational Program Associates, Nurse Midwifery

Washington State University, BS Nursing

Spokane Community College, AS Nursing

Certificates & Memberships:

Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner

Registered Nurse

Certified Nurse Midwife

Special Interests/Hobbies:

I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, quilting, playing the piano, and trying to learn to cook.

Message to the Community

Every person deserves quality health care – and care that considers their lifestyle, goals, and expectations for their life. It’s important to listen and work with each patient to accomplish their goals. We work as partners in obtaining a healthy lifestyle for each patient.