January 6, 2021
Who goes next: Washington releases next phase of vaccine prioritization.
OLYMPIA – Today the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) released guidance for the next phase of COVID-19 vaccination. The department worked closely with the Governor’s Office to finalize prioritization for phase 1B, and we are pleased to be able to share eligible groups for this next phase of vaccination. This phase is broken up into four separate tiers.
Phase 1B1 – (Tier 1) January
- All people 70 years and older
- People 50 years and older who live in multigenerational households
Phase 1B2 – (Tier 2) February
- High risk critical workers 50 years and older who work in certain congregate settings: Agriculture; food processing; grocery stores; K-12 (teachers and school staff); childcare; corrections, prisons, jails or detention facilities (staff); public transit; fire; law enforcement
Phase 1B3 – (Tier 3) March
- People 16 years or older with two or more co-morbidities or underlying conditions
Phase 1B4 – (Tier 4) April
- High-risk critical workers in certain congregate settings under 50 years
- People, staff and volunteers all ages in congregate living settings:
- Correctional facilities; group homes for people with disabilities; people experiencing homelessness that live in or access services in congregate settings
For more details on each phase please click the link below.
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Prioritize Your Heart: Simple Steps for a Healthier Life
February is Heart Health Awareness Month, a time to focus on the habits and choices that keep our hearts strong. Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the U.S., but the good news is that many cases are preventable with lifestyle changes and proactive healthcare. Here are some simple but powerful ways to…